Our Fair Trade Remix Model
After you make a remix using our free samples, contact us for a license to release it commercially. Per our Fair Trade agreement, net proceeds will be evenly split between all co-creators. The agreement will reflect one of the two following scenarios:
(A) We release your remix
Net proceeds are split 3-ways
(B) Another label releases your remix
Net proceeds are split 4-ways
We are cultivating a community where all participants, including remix and traditional artists, are mutually invested in each other's success.
Thanks to technology, pretty much anyone can remix any music, photo, video, object, or concept they like. This flourishing remix culture has sparked an unprecedented wave of creativity, which deeply inspired us to contribute to it an ecosystem. One which is not only more open but also economically responsible. One where source musicians share in financial rewards when their music is remixed for commercial purposes. One where growing participants engage with each other in a cultural and technological call and response and thus become increasingly curious, empathetic, and compassionate about cultures that differ from theirs. We do this to create a connection that is more human between all participants.
Otherwise we are lost.