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Recorded live on Oct. 23, 2023, by Tyler Wood in Staten Island, NY. 
Mixed and mastered by Tyler Wood at Sauce Farm Studio, Catskill, NY


Start Remixing

We've meticulously prepared a collection of remix-friendly audio (loops and one-shots) and video (stems) from the above album and are making them available as free downloads with a Creative Commons BY NC SA license, which allows you to remix and share them solely for non-commercial purposes, as long as you always give credit to Remix ⟷ Culture and The River Voices, and provide a link to this very same license.

If you end up making killer remixes and you'd like to earn money from remixing our audio, contact us for a licensing agreement.

Audio Downloads

Listen to a few of the audio files you will find in the downloads above:


Video Download

Preview a few of the video files that you will find in the downloads above:

About The Band


Mohammed Abdelrasoul - Tabil ● Mohammed Afaneh - Tabla ● Amer Abdelrasoul - Riq ● Kareem Ali - Bagpipes

Abdelkareem Abdelrasoul - Vocals ● Waseem Hanini - Vocals ● Hassan Gheith - Vocals

The digital library provided here was created in collaboration with Freedom Dabka Group was part of a larger residency program called Tanfis II conducted in New York in the fall of 2023.

Currently based in Staten Island, NY, the Freedom Dabka Group started with a small group of relatives based in Brooklyn, New York. Each one of their members at some point of their life lived in Palestine for a period of time. They all moved to New York in hopes of a better life but always had a strong passion for their culture, especially Dabka. Forming a Dabka team was the perfect way for them to stay connected with one another, and especially to their culture. Through the years they have gained vast popularity within their community, which only encouraged their pursuit for the preservation of the culture and its exposure to the world. Their talent has been published in articles and newspapers. They have been interviewed by different news channels, including Al Jazeera, 1010 wins radio station and filmed into documentaries - notably “Coming Home” featured below. They have performed throughout the US and as well as outside the US. The Freedom Dabka Group has grown from a small collective of six individuals to over eighteen, and have now opened up their very own Dabka studio/school. Their mission is to spread their culture to the world and teach US-based youth about Palestinian culture.

photos by Darwensi Clark

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